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Preserving Apples: Apple Butter Recipe

Apple butter is a great fall treat! Best served on warm bread, pancakes, or other baked goods, it tastes of the season of autumn.


• Peeled Apples (Enough to fill your crockpot)

• Water

• Lemon Juice (1 Squirt)

• Cinnamon to Taste

• Brown Sugar to Taste

Fill your crockpot with peeled apples. Pour an inch of water into the bottom in, and add a squirt of lemon juice. Add brown sugar and cinnamon to taste. Let cook overnight.

Puree the apples, then fill your jars with 1/4 inch head space. Process in a water bath canner for 15 minutes. Open lid, remove from heat, and let rest for 5 more minutes.

Remove the jars, careful to keep them upright, and let them rest on a towel for at least 12 hours before moving and labeling for storage.

Original Post Here.


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